Friday, February 12, 2016

Walking Music for the Lenten Journey

I tried not to be insulted, but how dumb do they think I am?
It was just days into the New Year and I knew full well that starting an exercise program was a good idea.  I also already knew that walking was good exercise.  Then the teenage actor looked into the camera lens and, with all sincerity, announced a genius strategy to make exercise more enjoyable:  listen to music while walking!  Seriously?!  He smiled as if he and his little ipod just invented the latest and greatest fad.  Nope, that credit goes to my generation.  We called it a “Walkman!”

Last Wednesday night, I was reminded of that exercise public service announcement as we took our first steps on the Lenten journey.  The songs provided a beautiful sound track to walk through worship.  With tender tone and thoughtful lyrics, they inspired me to be faithful in the disciplined journey through the Lenten season.

This year, I’ll share my walking music with you for the Lenten Journey.  Listen in and share how these songs inspire you to focus on intimacy with God the Father, Son and Spirit as we walk toward the cross and empty tomb. 

This first song puts me in a posture of humble learning:  "Holy Spirit, living breath of God, breathe new life into my willing soul."  Make me ready and willing to be changed and moved, "lead us on the road of sacrifice."

written by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend

Lenten walking is a good idea.  Listening to good music can make our journey more meaningful.  Tell me how this song helps those first few steps of the walk.

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